nice try
not half as good as krinkels madness. it wasn't bad but if your going to do something barely interesting, it should be one of your own.
nice try
not half as good as krinkels madness. it wasn't bad but if your going to do something barely interesting, it should be one of your own.
It was only an ad so it shouldn't be posted on NG but Iadmit it was very neat.
That rocked!
It was so good! it love stephen hawking so much i voted 5!
there are only 2 submissions that made me laugh since i have learned about newgrounds. the first one is mk sumthing, the one that was mortal kombat with scorpion in real life and the second one, you probably guessed, was yours. i congratulate you for being funnny.
make an effort
it was very good but also very short. you relly have the skill, just work longer on it.
Age 36, Male
QC, Canada
Joined on 3/19/05