seriously amazing, probably the best animation i've seen.
seriously amazing, probably the best animation i've seen.
I'm stunned, I don't know what to say, it was just amazing. The whole experience of watching this felt like a dream. Very well done!
not bad
I used to know a guy who kept raving in inappropriate times but he was german so it's alright I guess.
just as good as dad's home, which is a lot. keep it up man i'm looking forward to dad's in overtime. oh and please make a kick-ass conclusion like in dad's home
melody and mezzo for the win.
the animation is excellent and the music is even better. this is going to my favorites for sure.
c'est bon et en plus c'est une des rares animations en francais sur NG, felicitations :)
merci bcp... sérieux j'avais peur qu'aucun francais ne l'vois !
i love how every part of it is different but fits so well together.
you guys did a really good job, this really is one of the good collabs on NG. voted 5
it's not like you are really helping anybody, your neon effect doesn't look that nice and it's easier to use the glow filter...
Its for people without flash 8!
very pointless but still funny as hell. i loved the song, it's very catchy. wish i had a pit
Age 36, Male
QC, Canada
Joined on 3/19/05